Section 1: Contents
1.1 Employment Equity Act, no. 55 of 1998 as amended
1.2 Current under review Employment Equity Policy
1.3 Successive Employment Equity Plan 01 April 2013 – 31 March 2018
Section 2: Employment Equity Committee
2.1 Terms of Reference of Employment Equity Committee
2.2 Committee Member Nomination Forms
2.3 Committee Member Profiles
2.4 Contacting an Employment Equity Committee Member
Section 3 :Employee Equity Reports Forms EEA2 and EEA4
3.2 Form EEA4 2014/ 15 (Available on Request)
Section 4: Codes of Good Practice on Employment Equity
4.1 Code of Good Practice: Implementing Employment Equity
4.2 Code of Good Practice: Human Resources
4.3 Code of Good Practice: Disability
4.4 Code of Good Practice: Sexual Harassment
4.5 Code of Good Practice: HIV / AIDS
Section 5: Employment Equity Training Materials
5.1 Department of Labour Presentation
5.2 Employment Equity Workbook
5.3 Checklists for assessing barriers and adverse impact on designated groups
Section 6: Minutes of Employment Equity Committee
6.1 Attendance register for Committee Meetings
6.2 Agenda for Committee Meetings