Gert Sibande District

Batho Pele Building, Ermelo, 2350
Private Bag X 9034, Ermelo, 2350
Tel: 013 801 4000  |  Fax: 013 811 4120

Welcome to Gert Sibande District, Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport. The Department is the custodian of public infrastructure including transport and other related functions such as the coordination of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and Scholar Transport within the District.

At the helm of the District is Ms F Sengwayo, who is the District Head. The District has a staff complement of about 600 adequately trained men and women who specialize in various fields from administration to engineering stationed in various cost centres throughout the District.


– Providing Plant Services
– Rendering Building Infrastructure Services,
– Property Management Services
– Maintaining Provincial Proclaimed Roads
– Managing EPWP Projects
– Rendering Public Transport Service
– Managing Cost Centres of the District.


Albert Luthuli 2 Cost Centre (Elukwatini)
Mr A Sebothoma
Artisan Chief
071 670 9435

Mr M Nyatsumbe
Road Superintendent
072 242 869

Albert Luthuli Cost Centre (Carolina)
Mr M Nyatsumbe
Road Superintendent
072 242 8691

Govan Mbeki Cost Centre
Mr M Sukazi
Road Superintendent
076 764 2630

Dipaliseng Cost Centre
Mr S Zulu
Acting Road Superintendent
083 313 5302

Lekwa Cost Centre
Mr A Radebe
Artisan Chief
073 518 8287

Mr L Shongwe
Road Superintendent
083 662 0422

Msukalikwa Cost Centre
Mr M Lamola
Artisan Chief
083 542 8715

Mr W Mathibela
Road Superintendent
073 174 6941